At sundown tonight, Jews across the globe will light candles to welcome in the Sabbath, Shabbat. #LightForIsrael
Tonight, EVERYONE can light a candle in solidarity with the Jewish people, with humans, with all people.
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t religious or don’t know the blessings. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t Jewish. Light the candles tonight. Say your own prayers.
If you are human, listen to your heart. Visualize peace. Hug your loved ones and feel how powerful your love is, then send that love to our brothers and sisters fighting for their loved ones.
Lighting the candle is a symbolic way for you to do something. Send love across the world 🔆 🌎.

When I scrolled my social media this week, I couldn’t help but notice there were 4 “I STAND WITH 🇮🇱” posts by friends outside of the Jewish community . Four.
I thanked them for sharing.
When I received this text from a non-Jewish friend:
“Reaching out to and praying for my Jewish friends 💙”
I cried, then thanked her profusely. I cried because we, your Jewish friends, have been here many times before…

“Evil does not need your help; just your indifference.” – Hanns Loewenbach, Holocaust Survivor
And ALL of our kids are watching. They are listening. So, if you are confused on the situation in Israel, just ask or find a reputable news source.
I’ll summarize very briefly:
On October 7th, there was a horrific Terrorist Attack, organized and executed by an organization known as Hamas, who’s only mission has ever been to obliterate the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Hamas does not give AF about who they hurt, as long as they fulfill their mission. Hamas are not who we call Palestinians. They are BARBARIC TERRORISTS.
If you feel sick about what is going on, I urge you to reach out to your friends. There is nothing more powerful than letting your friends know in whatever way you choose, they are not alone.
Silence. Is. Scary.

Please light a candle tonight and join in the miracle of unity. Post your LOVE and your CANDLES in solidarity!!!!
Your friends need you.
Humankind needs you.
Check out my post showing Global Support for Israel and help SPREAD THE LIGHT.
If you would like to help in other ways, there are many organizations sending supplies and $ to Israel.

Check out your own local agencies. Ours is collecting $$$ and items for soldiers:

Thank you for listening and SHABBAT SHALOM.
,xoxo, Elyse